Reconciliation Action Plans
Kuuwa is keen to work with other businesses implementing Reconciliation Action Plans.
Australia has a long history of working towards achieving reconciliation, and countless people – Indigenous, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous – have dedicated their life’s work to achieving reconciliation with Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
One of the ways businesses can contribute to reconciliation is with the implementation of a Reconciliation Action Plan– a strategic framework that helps organisations to support the national reconciliation movement, both internally and in the communities in which it operates.
With our experience we can support your company to make lives better, no matter what stage you are at, as we are able to help you achieve your targets.
Indigenous procurement is a key action in Reconciliation Action Plans.
Many Australian businesses are leveraging their purchasing power to create positive social impact for Indigenous business owners and communities.
Kuuwa will work with you on your reconciliation journey and towards measurable targets and goals in your Reconciliation Action Plans.
If you would like to discuss how working with Kuuwa Group can support your Reconciliation Action Plan, please get in touch and we will be happy to help you decide which plan best suits your business.
The following targets can be achieved in your Reconciliation Action Plan by partnering with Kuuwa, including:

Investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity
Investigate opportunities to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity
Investigate, develop and maintain strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partnerships
Increased annual spend in a registered indigenous supplier supports local community outcomes

Investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity

Investigate opportunities to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity

Investigate, develop and maintain strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partnerships

Increased annual spend in a registered indigenous supplier supports local community outcomes